Everyone is (+/- a)living (+/- a) stream of consciousness now.
Random Access Memory 1:
It’s everywhere. It’s on our laptops, on our screens, eroding our brains on cable tv.
Everyone is tuned into the voice in their head.
Which is perpetual, but rarely their own.
No one takes time to contemplate. Time to think about nothing, time to think about everything. Time just to be.
Society does its best to take that time away. We sell it ourselves and pick up a screen.
Every voice is: “If you aren’t learning you’re…” “If you are selling…” “If you aren’t doing epic shit you’re…”
But it’s bull crap. The voices are just trying to sell you something, and it has nothing to do with you or bettering your life here on this planet. It is just the same voice a million times over. A million ways over. But always the same. Perpetual voices. Perpetual images. You need. You want. You deserve. That need to be part of their story… do you want to be in, or not… But now that’s a given, isn’t it? Ingrained into our founding constitution at this point. Carved into the statue of ol’George Washington himself… You deserve it. Your forefathers (not your mother!) earned this 4 U.
You don’t need to do a damn thing but click Hell Yes, I’ll Buy. And there it is, two days later. It’s all for sale. Water. Air. Earth. Animal. Very little naturally just remains.
Silence is near damn impossible. As impossible as the true night sky. How many billions will never be witness to the Milky Way? How many will never know the joy of a cup of hand scooped water straight from the Earth? There are still some mountains and some desert, sure, but fewer and fewer every day. especially where you can scoop up the water and drink from the sky. More than the stars will never know it. The quiet of that water. Cupped in hand, silent to drink. The quenching night.
I’m not sure its going to turn out for ol’ humanity. It’s truly starting to get a little crowded down here. There’s not much clean water left. People have forgotten the joy of the basics. Spraying poison on their food is an ironic assumption. No one thinks about the facts. (Poisons on food… let it sink in.) Just rely on the habit. Rely on the voices in their head… which as I said, are rarely their own anymore.
So many voices. So much connection to things that aren’t real, and disconnection from the things that are. The sound is getting deafening. The colors of nature blurred like an electric diode. I long for the quiet of pines. I long for the days of looking out, in silence, listening only to the voice of the wind and the birds. I long for the silent, endless waves, the sounds mountains, just rolling. We need to find a way to turn off the white noise before it destroys us. We need to have time for the nothing and quiet. We need time to browse our minds and think the thoughts that are our own. Time to base them on what we see beyond the screen in our hand, the view of things closer to our actual heart. We need to live in the world we evolved in, not the one we are creating in fiction because that world doesn’t give a damn about us.
A photo will always fall short of the real thing.
There’s not enough wild left in us. We’ve depleted the reserves and forgotten how to replenish it. People claim they can sell it to you, but it’s all a lie. You and only you can refill it. And only outside. It doesn’t take some epic thing or place, just a quiet, a breeze, a bird, a focus on something real. Suddenly the charge enters your heart and you feel something more electric than before. A connection and its because it’s a reconnection with an instinct, a window into your evolution, a memory ingrained in your dna. That’s all that’s missing, but short of a few billion people finding access, I don’t know if we’ll pull out of the tail spin or not, but you can, we can.